Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Professional or UN....Part 2

Now remember about my previous rant about being unprofessional? Well, here’s the next part. It’s the official “sequel” to that rant as the day of the event came I was totally unprepared for people trying to pull their own weight having had the previous and past successful experiences of doing that.


Anyway, I got to the event at the appointed time of 630pm having been told that it will start early. Then again, we’re here in the Philippines so I should know better than to expect any form of American value for punctuality to be incorporated into the system. Having worked with American bosses was a blast and forced me to be mindful of these habits that we as a people have allowed to creep into the Filipino psyche.


The minute I stepped into the venue I was looking for contact person that contracted me for the event and lo and behold came face to face with my co-host; an attorney at that. Perhaps I would account either for her age or for her usual way of barking at people considering her degree and all. She starts pulling me aside and talks about the program and details of a segment that was recently added into the program, in which I was to sing a Christmas song. I told her I knew of that but because of time constraints and was in contact with the coordinator, the band said they couldn’t perform it but I could sing it acapella.


Almost immediately she fumed and accosted me for not being able to “require” the band to learn the song when in fact it should have been the coordinators job to do that and not mine. She said that having been informed about it there was ample time. The mere fact that the band guy took a day and a half to respond back accounted for the time lost not to mention the late notification of this segments inclusion. And here I am taking the heat for their ineptitude.


Being the outsider I was recovering in shock and felt my narration of the circumstances as my defense was brought in weakly to stand in as evidence. With my facial expression, I let her know that I was peeved at her attitude and relented to be mature about the whole thing as regard it as her frayed nerves at having seeing no one yet at the event and milling about different parts of the floor and equally barking at people who seem to be in her own eyes, incapable and unprofessional. When in fact, it was her who was pegging herself to that classification. Before the event started I avoided her like the plague. And by the end of the event, she tried to warm up to me by saying she enjoyed my singing and that I should pursue a career in theatre.


Thank you but no thanks if that was her way in wanting to nullify the effect that she has caused.  Perhaps she knew that she was out of line when she blamed me for whatever imperfections the program had and realized that no program really runs smoothly and as perfectly executed on paper. When asked to relax & smile, she even declared loudly that she couldn’t and there was no time for it.


When you think about it, the conditions in our life that gives us lack of sleep, tension, anxiety, are brought about by how we view them and react towards them accordingly. It’s our choice. She chose not to relax and enjoy the evening and considered to be bothered by the whole event. I chose to keep my cool. Rant about it in this blog and release it to the Universe. I’ve said my peace and ready to move along….


Although it would be nice to see her trip along the mall carrying her Christmas goodies…heheheh.


  1. CAZ: "Although it would be nice to see her trip along the mall carrying her Christmas goodies…heheheh."
    INGRID says: hahaha

  2. I know...I'm bad....but it takes hard work to be bad though...hahahaha
