
C.J. never thought he'd be an author someday but he always loved the feel and the comfort of having a book in his hands. Whether it be hardbound or paperback as well as his e-reader, he never leaves home without one. 

By day, he is a voice actor. By night he is a DJ at Mellow 94.7, and along with his show partner, Indi, handles the evening program called Mellow Nights. In between that, he tries to squeeze in his writing and reading as much as he can, on top of singing and hosting gigs over the weekend as well as cosplay conventions as he is also very much a Geek at heart.

Hit him up over Twitter (Cazedmunds947), Facebook, as well as Instagram (Cazedmunds, AnneRicePhils) and he'll probably launch into a geeky conversation with you till the wee hours of the morning.

Founder of his own reader's group, Anne Rice Philippines and a member of Justice PH, a DC cosplaying group in Manila, as well Philippine Tolkien Society and the Philippine Lightsaber Guild, C.J feels that his love for these different fandoms fuels his creativity and imagination and hopes that in turn, it fuels yours.

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