Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Anne Rice Book - October 7, 2008



I guess it was bound to happen...She needed closure from her Vampire Chronicles & The Lives of the Mayfair Witches as well as  "proper explanation" to her return to the Faith.

My Muse & Goddess of the written word, Anne Rice, is releasing her new memoir, called CALLED OUT OF DARKNESS: A Spiritual Confession. :)

Of course, this Vampire can't wait to get his hands on this one. :)


  1. can't wait for this one! i haven't touched a book though in three months! i'm really slacking on my reading. damn work, all i wanna do is catch up on sleep. =(

  2. Audiobook na lang ng Vampire Armand...hehehe

  3. is there really one? i mean the audio book of Vampire Armand? the last Anne Rice book i bought was Blackwood Farm (which was for me part Vampire Chronicles and part Mayfair Witches)...i got turned off when she started writing her new books...wehehe...

  4. The Search goes on but I've got some that I listen to at lot. :)

    I do miss her delving into her dark Universe as well but as she alluded to a "Christian" novel involving the redmption of Lestat, there is at least one more hurrah for the Vampires before she totally abandons the concept entirely. (let's hope she pushes thru with it)

    I would also love for her to go back to the Mayfairs but since Blood Canticle which follows Blackwood Farm closes the door on both Universes, we can only hope and dream. :)

  5. would love to read the "last hurrah" if it comes out at all. too bad i have to give away all my anne rice hardbounds & paperbacks before i came here in k.s.a. ( precious collection...). it was most fortunate i was able to download "blood canticles" from the internet will keep me busy in the office for may come out as cheap...but hey there's just one bookstore here and they don't even carry "real" books...its called censorship...hehehe...thanks again for the info cazseeker...

  6. I guess then E-books would be your best alternative. But I would fight whoever tooth, nail and guts before they take my books away from me. At some point, my mom wanted me to give my books away saying that it was taking too much space and that buying books were useless.

    In short, I held my ground and like priceless jewels I look at my books from time to time. Like a vampire, greedily running my hands on the spine of the book, feeling the texture and savoring the glory of the purchase. hehehe
