Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Rest Room OC

How many times have we gone to public restrooms and found it reeking with the pungent smell of urine accumulating in the bowls and just left there to be added on by the next user who is equally delinquent if not indifferent about what they see?

Well, public or not. This is a bad habit that we as Filipinos, should start cultivating. It's 8am in the office and coming out of the restroom, i found that the maintenance people have not done their early morning sweep.

And then people started going in the rest room and on top of that a meeting is to start soon and some ex-pats just went in and did their bit.

I can only cringe at the thought of what went on in their minds as they were using the lavatories with its smelly and wet floors.

We who work in private companies certainly can do better than some who use the public restrooms wantonly and indifferently.

Let's try and do our little bit to make the environment clean and presentable at the very least for ourselves and for others.

Oh, and did I tell you that every single time I go into the restroom and see that the urinals are not flushed, I go out of my way to flush each and every single one....

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