Passing by Watsons
tonight at Podium before going home & just after my 8pm shift at work, I
found myself pondering on the lyrics of a song that caught my ear. It was more
of the voice at first that made me take notice, as it belonged to one of my
favorite singers named Michael Ball. Yes the British star of Les Miserables,
Aspects of Love, Passion & The Woman in Black.
And after noticing
Michael's sublime tenor of a voice, it was the chorus of the song that make me
take notice next. It was a simple phrase & yet I found myself getting more
introspective every minute that I was on my errand. No herculean feat. I was
just getting tealights & refill soap for the house. How domesticated one
might say. And yet this simple & lone act of purchasing these items, I
found myself relating to the song and prod myself to ask the same question that
the song was equally asking.
What Makes You Stay?
Looking back 11
years, I can still remember the infancy stage of a relationship that my current
life partner and I used to have. I was just coming off a failed relationship and
"baby" was just living the life of a happy & single individual.
Who would've thought that a single meeting at the music bar that I used to sing
at, would today be the picture of a happy condition of commitment &
domesticity. Pretty much the dream that I wanted for myself back then when most
of my friends were having girlfriends to call their own, while I was still
waiting in the wings; wishing & calling out to the Universe to grant me
that one chance, if not, that one person to whom I could prove my worth to and equally see my own. Fast forward, and
here I am 11 years after writing this blog entry. What, pray tell could I have
to prove now?
Sure, like any
"married" couple dealing & living in domesticity, we have our
share of good days, ho-hum lazy days & days when after raised voices, you
wish you could take back what you said & hope that although having said
& apologized for it, hasn't embedded itself entirely or chinked you better
half's armor too much.
Why Do I Stay?
It seems with all
this prelude or prologue to a possible list of answers, I have yet to give you
a proper answer. And since I don't have "one" answer to give, let's
make a list...of why do I stay.
And for the sake of
continuity, my list goes like, I Stay Because...
1. I LOVE My Baby
2. My Baby LOVES Me
3. 11 years of Love will make you want for
another 11, and another, and another, and...
4. I Love waking up with my Baby beside me.
5. I Love cuddling & sleeping beside my Baby
at night
6. My Baby makes me feel good.
7. I make my Baby feel good.
8. I have someone to talk to.
9. My Baby has someone to talk to.
10. I love coming home to my Baby.
11. I love the expression of happiness on my
Baby's face when I come home.
12. I love that my Baby cooks for me.
13. I love that we
get to plan our days, if not, our lives, together & in unison.
14. I love that I get to occasionally make my
Tiramisu & Blue Berry cheesecake for my Baby, in return.
15. I Love the way my Baby validates my being me.
16. I Love the way that I get to validate my Baby by simply being there.
17. I Love the way that we can disprove that there is no truth to the myth or to the lie.
18. I Love to see the day when equality is given to all, and we would be see and mark it as a day of progress; the dawning of a new age.
19. I Love...
20. I love to be
able to make a list like this. It gives me the chance to explore further the
choices I've made, the ones that I've not made & equally those that I've
followed up on.
Why Do I Stay?
I could go on with
the list and maybe enumerate another set but as obvious as the list shows,
there is only one reason and the most accurate one at that, that answers this
Why Do I Stay?
Because I chose to.
That's It.
And I wouldn't
change a thing.
Now let me throw
the question back at you.
In whatever,
wherever and with whomever you share your life with, perform at your best with,
its ok and even healthy to ask,
Why Do I Stay?
C'mon make your
list & let's compare notes. :)