You see there is an ongoing contest on the newest social networking site, Fizzer.Ph. The prize? Oh just a cool Canon 450D Rebel Digital Camera complete with lenses and joining it is as easy as pie. Of course, one would have to sign up first on the site, making sure that you are a Filipino and of legal age. Get to know the site and upload a photo of you that is Twilight inspired. Some of the members have already uploaded their own poses ranging from having a Moon as your backdrop, colored it sepia and thus reveal your own lineage from La Push. Or you may also keep the sepia theme and with your best tank top and hair down stand just like Bella in anticipation of the fate that awaits you and brace for Edward’s arrival. Two of my fellow Twilight Coven Philippines members, Penny and Ginnie have already uploaded their photos and are raking in the votes. You can vote for them and the other entries by just clicking the Vote button at the bottom of their entry pictures and give them the rating you feel the photo deserves. The photo with the most number of star wins. Easy, right?
Now apart from registering on the site and making sure that your photo is Twilight inspired which means either, it’s vampiric, wolfish or otherwordly if not ethereal, your photo should exactly be 382 by 500 pixels and it has not been posted anywhere else on the net. So that means no Facebook, No Multiply, Friendster, Myspace, Flicker, PhotoBucket and others of the like. Bear in mind that the contest ends on Decemer 20th at exactly 10am; just before the forecasted New Moon on the 26th and the Blue Moon on the 31st. Sorry, can’t help it. I love looking at the moon. So don’t be like me just gazing at the moon at night, go join the contest, take your snapshot and get yourself that Canon 450D Rebel Digital Camera this Holiday Season.
If not let me know, I sure could use some company looking up at the moon. Besides we still have ECLIPSE and BREAKING DAWN to look forward to. :)
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