Such is our mommy, as our batch-mate in the call center industry call her..Mommy Ellen.
She never made any qualms about who she is, being a single mother, where she came from and what she must do to earn her keep and support herself and her family. When asked she would lay it to you straight and unblemished. One who calls a spade a spade; one who would not sugarcoat things for you. That was how she was a friend and perhaps one who as a mother bore the burden of either to shield her child from the harsh realities of this world and let him discover things on his own or just simply lay it to him straight and head on.
The training sessions were always a hoot for jokes that someone cracked would either be met with full opposition from her as being to risque even for her liberal sensibilities, or added with a touch of her own that would send the occupants of the entire room rolling on the floor and in stitches. She, for us, used the word "Chenelyn" profusely when everyone was just discovering the word to themselves. Her adeptness with gay linggo was just uncanny which makes one marvel at the extent of the kinds of people she meets along the way; imbibe it and makes their quirks as her own.
I also remember telling her about my project at embarking or attempting to write a Fantasy novel. And having shown her my draft, hounded me to no end to finish it. As I am still in the process of finishing it, her presence at being one of the very first people who read and supported my work will always be with me.
She will be dearly missed but fondly remembered.
Mommy Ellen...fellow Life Traveller....Travel the new roads with love, sense of accomplishment
and knowledge that we who are left behind were at one point in our lives graced with your presence; your zest for life; your laughter; your smile; your criticism; your support and your acceptance.
We love you and miss you...Till we embark on the same roads again... Blessed Be!
Just very recently, I was trying to get in touch with Ellen after years of non-communication (which is not our choice, though). We last saw each other when cellphones were non-existent. Pagers were the fad back then and we both didn't have the resources to even acquire one.None of us had landlines and none of us knew where we would settle down. Those were uncertain times in our complicated lives. We just said our goodbyes and hoped that we'd see each other again.
ReplyDeleteI moved on to acquire a graduate degree, got myself a fine paying job and finally migrated to the U.S.A. with my family.
Then, one day, I thought I could try and see how technology could help us get a hold of each other again. I Googled her name, joined Facebook, emailed some whom I saw on the web that could probably point to where she is . I also wanted to know whatever happened to that chubby EJ, the unico hijo of my friend. I thought I was lucky to have gotten her email address from a friend of Ellen who added her name to
I figured I could send her a message through this person. I excitedly wrote Ellen a test email to see if she would respond with the same enthusiasm as I had.
Then I waited...and waited...and waited. It was puzzling to me how Ellen could ignore that very happy-to-have-found-you message of mine.
Relentlessly, I googled her name again but this time using "Elena". I saw EJ's friendster account. But I also saw a blog that said "Ang Huling Alala ni Elena" with a poem about cancer written by my friend. I read the whole blog and the poem that tells of her struggle. That's when I found out that my friend is gone forever. Then, I realized I will never be able to hear her contagious laughter, her kabadingan, and her kalog jokes again. Sadly, I will never again be able to taste that sweet and sour sauce that only she could expertly concoct .Never again will I be able to see her perfect eyebrows, and never again will I be able to experience our long walang tulugang kwentuhan.
I could only console myself with the thought that Ellen is in a better place now, a place with no pain and no cancer; and perhaps, her laughter is much joyful now.
I still even stored her old cellphone number in my old phone. Sad that she never told any of us batchmates about her condition and we had to find about it from other people. But true, she is in a more happy and peaceful place. :)